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Hey Riley, can we collaborate!? 

I don't mind them, and I surely won't discourage people from asking, but for the most part it's best we don't and this has nothing to do with art related issues like "you not being good enough". To the contrary the issue is usually me! 

>> My sketchwork is hard to read, which pretty much is a consistent answer these days more than not. This means even with people I let color my works in years passed, there were errors to coloring that were incorrect, because lineart was misread as something else. Considering other artists are telling me this, let alone anyone who doesn't draw, I feel like that is stacking odds against me XD. And by proxy, you. 


>> I have a weird work "flow" or specific way I do a ton of stuff. Unless you speak the exact same art language, dialect AND slang (to build on the metaphor) then it's likely going to go poorly. Not because I'm "bad" or you're "bad" at art, but because the styles generally differ enough to cause a clash. 


>> Time is weird for me. It's this amalgamous glob and I just don't do timeframes well nor do I comply to "due by" dates. Both because of my mental illnesses and my physical ones. I have a legal issue with representing myself (as in I'm  not allowed too) because my mental state is considered "impacted". So just keep that in mind. I dunno how else to be ultra honest. Feels like a lot of people just don't think it's that bad because I can say/type words well. So by proxy I must be FINE. right?


>> And finally, I'm just a horrible mess and have no consistency in my life as of this time. My memory is as impaired as my lil' bahbie arms and sometimes it's just not kosher to force others through that XD! 


Hey raffles, I need some help!

You want a redline bab?

I DO offer advice - redlines - and general help! 

What I don't do is draw your work for you so that you may trace over it :"D. While I won'
t dissuade this as a learning method (I've done it too), I know that my own "chicken scratch" that I apply to art as notes is hard to read and everything from the collaborations section still applies here. 


My critiques are well trained. I've learned etiquette from both a real world series of environments (both as a manager and a casual team member) and I have training in hospitality outside of just art. I also took studies to be an "early childhood caregiver" (pre-K to about 5th year or if you're UK 6th year). Which means, to put it in less words, that I'm good at being honest without being mean. That being said, if you know your feelings are easily wounded even when someone is kind about mistakes, please spare us both :"D. When I respond to art topics, I entirely remove the individual as a personality from the equation and focus solely on the art, mainting of course the "stages" at which each person is developing. I would not hold a 9 year old budding artist to the same standards that I would someone who's been drawing as an adult for 15 years. 


Feel free to PM me on telegram anytime :)!

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